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In order to ensure A2i reaches more students, United2Read utilizes a systems-level approach that partners with states, school districts, and community partners to achieve short and long-term benefits for students inside and outside the classroom.


Benefits for States:

1) Significant systems level cost savings due to lower special education referral rates and reduced legacy costs associated with student retention and remediation in K-12;

2) Ability to scale up a proven, ESSA aligned evidence-based resource to multiple districts and schools across the state, including those identified as needing improvement; and

3) Potential to greatly improve overall student outcomes in ELA and Math at the systems level


Benefits for Community Stakeholders:

1) Radiating impact of improved 3rd grade reading on key community outcomes such as health, poverty, juvenile justice, etc..;

2) Opportunity for community leaders to partner and invest in schools using a proven evidence-based vehicle that can track student outcomes; and

3) Community ownership to ensure sustainability of A2i and improvement in student outcomes even if there is a change in district leadership


In order to ensure A2i reaches more students, United2Read utilizes a systems-level approach that partners with states, school districts, and community partners to achieve short and long-term benefits for students inside and outside the classroom.

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