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United2Read powered by Learning Ovations and supported by a U.S. Department of Education, is fully aligned with the American Recovery Act.  We provide ESSA Strong proof and tools for a community’s full set of strategies to respond to Covid-induced reading learning loss.  We are the ONLY partners capable of responding with aligned and cumulative support in the home, for summer, for tutors and into the classroom.   

Learning Ovations Supports 3rd Grade Reading Outcomes Across The Community

A community strategy for social equity. Third grade reading outcomes continue to serve as a critical indicator of future success. The development of proficient skills in literacy does not only benefit an individual in their life pursuits, but is also associated with reductions in the cost for remediation services in schools, improved outcomes for communities where they live and work, and numerous other benefits that ultimately lead to systematic and transformative progress.
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COVID has shown, our community education landscape is fragmented, and the myriad of incomplete solutions make it nearly impossible to create a focused, impactful, scalable, sustainable solution that can support student literacy at the school, district, or community level.

Our Success In Elmsford, New York

Research from communities across the country shows three factors that address these community-literacy challenges: (1) time (students need more time in instructional settings receiving effective instruction), (2) coherence between district classroom-based instruction and out-of-school supports, and (3) the leveraging and provision of community support.
Learning Ovations has created alignment across districts/schools and community organizations by providing all stakeholders with an ESSA Strong online platform capable of delivering access to common measures, a reliable database, and proven, evidence-based instructional recommendations through a series of new tools connected to the proven-ESSA Strong A2i algorithms being used successfully in schools across the country.
Here's one example: The Reading Check Up to support parents and caregivers in multiple languages in bringing the exact type of reading instruction required AND consistent with their classroom teachers recommendations

Building Unique Partnerships That Get Results

Our Community Partnerships with Reading Checkup Are In The News

WBTV - Charlotte, NC

WCNC - Charlotte, NC

Successfully Used At Home And With Tutors

Research from communities across the country shows three factors that address these community-literacy challenges: (1) time (students need more time in instructional settings receiving effective instruction), (2) coherence between district classroom-based instruction and out-of-school supports, and (3) the leveraging and provision of community support.


Research from communities across the country shows three factors that address these community-literacy challenges: (1) time (students need more time in instructional settings receiving effective instruction), (2) coherence between district classroom-based instruction and out-of-school supports, and (3) the leveraging and provision of community support.

Enhances After School and Summer Programs

Research from communities across the country shows three factors that address these community-literacy challenges: (1) time (students need more time in instructional settings receiving effective instruction), (2) coherence between district classroom-based instruction and out-of-school supports, and (3) the leveraging and provision of community support.

This Is A Headline That Really Works


Five Ways To Apply Funding Streams For Early Literacy Proficiency


The Proof Is In The Research

Dr. Carol Connor

Principal Researcher and Creator of A2i 


Research and practice 

sets us apart

Dr. Carol Connor, the lead researcher whose work proved instrumental in the A2i breakthrough understood there will always be external factors impinging on a child’s ability to achieve reading outcomes: poverty, book availability, homelessness, Internet access, broken homes, mobility, fear, two-career families. 

Irrespective of all environmental factors, our 15 years of work in this space and our remarkable outcomes show we can achieve over 90% of children reading at, or above, grade level by third grade’s end. Responding to Covid-19 is no different. We’ve brought children with below grade level language skills up to, and beyond, grade level.  We've dramatically reduced the need for interventions. 

And yet her research focused on what schools can do once a child walks through the kindergarten door. Yes, COVID 19 is the latest in a long journey of environmental slights preventing children from reading at grade level. But it’s a challenge we can solve together. 



of students in A2i classrooms are able to read at, or above, grade level by the end of 3rd grade.


grade average reading rate.



13 years of rigorously tested research and development.


hours of classroom observation.

peer reviewed journals featuring A2i




Watch how United2Read has positively affected our partners in Elmsford, New York

If you'd like to see more stories, please check out our

Youtube channel.

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